A day or two ago, I wrote in my blog, Scoop the Poop about how my heart was torn because I had to let go of a rescue dog I recently adopted. He was over aggressive , scared my pets and me as well because he has an unpredictable temper and he bites. It was the main reason he was placed in the shelter. The Northeast Georgia Humane society has been great because they kept him alive and put him in training with a behaviorist. I was another in line to adopt this pet who thought I would be able to handle him and his temper with the love and attention I would shower him. Well he awoke me from my fantasy and I recognized it was too much for me to handle. I felt ashamed because I pride myself on being able to handle and care for any dog. Yet I recognized that I had to let him go. I only did it after realizing that the NE GA Humane Society and I discussed his next steps and the extensive training he will go through with a behaviorist. I felt comfortable because I could tell they genuinely cared for him and his life like I did.

The blog:( When Is The Time To Give Up On An Aggressive Dog )

While contemplating if I should let him go, one of the determining issues was the legal aspect. What if he had bitten the dog clients I have in my house, my parents, my boyfriend’s parents or the kids? That’s plenty of lawsuits we couldn’t afford. So it was the right thing to do.

Today I read an article dealing with this exact issue and I want to share it with you. It’s called : How to Limit Your Liability If Your Dog Bites

Til Next Time…

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